Monday, September 19, 2005

Working 9-5, what a way to make a living...

Anyone know that song? Just wondering. I don't have much to say, but I'm feeling guilty about not posting in so long so I thought I'd make an attempt, we'll see how it goes. Someone once told me that I type the way that I talk, hence the excessive use of parentheses (imagine I'm whispering), commas (which is really just because of my poor grasp of grammar) and ... (it's a pause). I think it makes sense though,on a blog, to type how you talk, it's the way I would journal so I think it's cool. The coolest actually.

I realized today that you can look at your profile and click on the books/movies you listed as faves and it will take you to a list of other sweet bloggers who enjoy the same awesome stuff you do. Unfortunately I apparently have weird or shall we say "unique" taste cause there wasn't much. Except for Knowing God by J.I. Packer, which I would bet those people just have on their shelf, as opposed to having actually read it. (Sorry, old InterVarsity joke about how it's this amazing book that most people just OWN instead of read.)

I am at work right now (explains the title) but I won't post this until later because this computer won't let me hyperlink stuff. I should be, you know, working, but the thing about a doctor's office is that when the doctor goes out of patients! (=very little work to do)

Andy started school today, can't wait to get home and hear all about it. Please be praying for our up and coming financial decisions that we're going to have to make. I need to trust that God will provide for us and not back down on our tithing (giving 10% of gross income to church) or charitable giving (giving on top of that to parachurch ministries) because of my own fear.

Alright well it turns out that when I don't have much to say...well, anyone who knows me knows what a ridiculous statement that is.

p.s. I wanted to hyperlink J.I. Packer's name to something that would give some info about him, but I couldn't find a website I thought was helpful/reliable. Oh well.


At 5:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

On Knowing God (the book)...I read that book...well when I say "read" I mean I was reading it during SLT, (it was the only book I bought)...and I think I'm STILL only 3/4 of the way through it. But at least I got that far! :)


At 9:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kate, I use parentheses and the like *so much* that people start to wonder if it's really me when I type without them. So don't feel alone in your parenthetical composing.

(Sometimes, I type more inside the parentheses than out. As if I'm always muttering under my breath. But then, aren't I?)

Don't keep us hanging, yo--how was Andy's first day?

At 6:46 AM, Blogger Andrea said...

Sorry I haven't called back yet! I really has been a busy week for me. I am helping with the youth group at my church and guess what we are going to start next week....SMALL GROUPS! I love small groups:) Call you soon!


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