Sunday, July 17, 2005

working out the details

We got out new apartment, it's all settled and we're just waiting for them to fax us the lease. They're going to put in a new fridge, a new kitchen floor (the old one was tile, so probably new tile) and new carpet in the bedroom. I was glad to hear all of that because the old kitchen floor was pretty dingy as well as having cracks in and in between the tiles. Also,new carpet is always a nice touch, makes everything look clean. When we first saw the apartment it didn't have a fridge and in my head I started thinking "so we have to BUY a fridge!?" but she told us the old tenants had their own so the owner didn't want to put in a new fridge until he was sure the new tenants didn't have one. Anyway, the woman who manages the building has been really nice and helpful so I am feeling very positive about everything.

I am continually amazed at how God has been providing for us. The clinic I'll be working in has offerred to pay for a full service moving company as well as the first six months of our rent. It lifts such a financial burden off of us, I almost couldn't believe my ears when I was told that. Hope all who are reading are doing well, God bless!


At 6:16 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

Wow, that is amazing, Kate. God always provides, and it's so great to hear testimony to that. Congratulations!

At 8:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear things are working out as you transition to your new locale! We already miss you guys, but just think of the exotic vacations we'll all take visiting each other! =)

At 11:57 AM, Blogger Tricia said...

Wow! The first sixth months of your rent?! That's pretty sweet.

We can't wait to see y'all.


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