Monday, August 29, 2005

and a million years later...

So, here we are, finally in California! We had a wonderful trip across the country. The weather was perfect (with the one exception of the 110 degree temps in Death Valley, but hey, it is called Death Valley). We had lots of sunshine and nice cool (but not cold) nights for camping. The cats did really well in the car too. Lucy (the old fat one) just slept and if you ask me, was silently protesting the upheaval of her life. Sid (the scrawy young one) was her normal psycho self, running around and around, driving everyone nuts (although she is awfully cute). Okay, enough parentheses.

We arrived in Cali on Thursday, August 18 and moved into our new place that night. When I say "moved in" I mean we slept on the floor with no electricity. The electric company came through the next day though, unfortunately we had to wait a week for our stuff. It got here this last Friday and it was box country for a while. Being my typical a-type personality control-freak self, everything is now put away and hung up and I am trying very hard not to be upset about the boxes still sitting here empty. The moving company is coming to pick them up...some day.

We have done some touring, including going to a Dodger's game on Sunday with Meesch's sister Melissa (super fun). We were also introduced to the awesome-ness of Griffith Park and are anxious to return there to enjoy the hiking and beautiful views. We still have a lot to learn about where stuff is, although Mr. "I know where everything is all the time for no reason at all" is doing a little better than I am.

I will be emailing out some pictures of our trip and new place soon, if you don't receive the email and want it just let me know. You can post here or email me. Alright, that's all I guess, nothing witty to say to end this so, the end!


At 8:23 AM, Blogger Tricia said...

So glad to hear that everything went well. We are about to begin our cross country trip, though in a smaller amount of time. We leave tonight for the midwest. It's sad to think y'all won't be there, but maybe we can visit sometime in the next however many years. It's a good thing we don't have to drive through Death Valley on our way since we don't have any AC at the moment.


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