Thursday, August 04, 2005

boxes, boxes, boxes

No, I'm not talking about the Seinfeld episode I'm referring to the state of our apartment. We are in the final countdown to M-Day (move day) and the moving company is here putting our whole lives into big boxes. It's kind of funny really because I never thought we owned all that much and yet the number of boxes just keeps growing. (It may have something to do with the thirty pieces of wrapping paper around every single thing :o) I haven't written in a while, I think if you don't have kids there just isn't as much to say. Here's a little update though:

I had my last day at work on Tuesday night, I can't believe I'm no longer an employee with Bronson, I'm going to miss my friends on the Ped's floor a lot. It was such a great place to start my career. Everyone was so nice my last night, bringing in food and even a couple of gifts. I have to say though, that I won't miss the hours. I was sitting on the couch last night feeling like I could sleep for a week and thinking how I'd never have to be that tired least not until I have children. There was just something about the night shift that made it so I was always tired, no matter how much sleep I tried to get to catch up. So, now I'm onto the next thing, clinic life. I am anxious to see how different it is to work in a clinic setting instead of the hospital.

So like I said the moving company is here today packing up our things, and then it will all sit in the apartment until August 15 when they come back to pick up and drive it all out west for us. We will be in Texas in the in between time, hence the reason for the two-part process. Our poor little kitties are freaking out, especially Lucy. She's sensing something big is coming (and is dealing with it by hiding in the closet). Below is our itinerary until we're settled in LA:

August 5-13: Dallas, Texas

August 13-15: Kzoo, getting everything ready

August 15-19: Driving west with Andy's parents

August 19: Arrive at our new home

August 24 or 25: All of our stuff arrives

Between Aug 15 and about the 25 we'll probably be unavailable via email and blogging, but knowing my husband we'll have high speed internet hooked up before we even unpack one dish! I will continue to be available, however, on my cell phone (and Andy on his). God bless!


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