Wednesday, August 31, 2005

I read

So, it only took four months but I finally finished Francis Schaeffer's book "The God Who Is There". I wish I could say it's like 1000 pages long, but unfortunately I would be lying. It was a wonderful book, but I have a habit of reading books much too quickly and then absorbing very, very little. It's something saying "I read that book" that makes me feel all warm & fuzzy...even though I have no idea what I actually read. So, in an effort to fight that I read one chapter per day and no more. (I know what you're thinking "so there are what, 120 chapters?" And NO, I did not read a chapter EVERY day)

My final feelings on the book are that it was excellent (worthy of italics). I think what will stick with me most is his view of evangelism. Schaeffer states that in order to bring people to the truth of Christ one must first help them to recognize their need for that truth. Even before that, in a post-modern world one must help them to recognize the EXISTENCE of truth, absolute truth. It is a little more involved than I feel I can explain here, but in a way it is that a person cannot hear the Gospel if they don't think they have a need for it, a person won't be able to understand their need for forgiveness if they don't feel they have done anything that needs forgiving. Schaeffer encourages us to start at the beginning. This seems simple somehow, and yet it is so often that we jump right into sharing the Gospel without actually trying to understand where the person we're speaking to is at, how they define words we use, what they believe about truth and absolutes.

Anyway, still living in California, still liking it. Check out my friend Andrea's new blog. She's the coolest.


At 9:34 AM, Blogger Andrea said...

I miss you come home now:)


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