Friday, September 30, 2005


I have a confession to make: I am a homebody. I like being at home, staying in. And I admit that I like sitting on my couch! Now certainly I do not mean all the time, because of course I also love the mall and eating out, I also like traveling and I am committed to taking care of my body with consistent activity/excercise. But the bottom line is that I really do like being at home. I often blame my poor husband for this, saying that I would be all adventurous and active if he was more motivated, but alas, this is not true. There's this part of me that thinks if I sit down on the couch to watch a movie or read a fiction novel I'm wasting time and/or being lazy. Even if I have nothing else that needs to be done! I'm not sure where I developed this complex, but there it is. I am obsessive about feeling "productive", I love to make lists and check things off (and yes, I write things on my list that I have already done just to cross it off...I am crazy). It's not a bad thing that I like getting things done, or that I feel good about a clean house, but I tie my own personal value and worth to these feelings. But honestly, is it a waste of a day or am I a terrible person if at the end of a day where I worked hard taking care of sick children, and then came home and put a good meal on the table for my husband, I want to relax a little? Do I have to clean the toilet and do all the laundry to be a good person? I say NO! What is it that tries to tell me otherwise? I think everyone struggles with these kinds of issues, tying their worth to something insignificant, instead of resting in the knowledge that I have infinite value because of Christ's finished work for me on the cross. I think I need to write that on my hand, or have it tatooed...or perhaps instead I will pray that Holy Spirit remind me of it every second of the day...cause I tend to be a little forgetful. :o)


At 3:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sister Kate,

I have the same problem!! (Although I don't write things on my to do list that I've already done...) I love lists and getting stuff done but if I don't do anything I feel like I've wasted the day. Even when my goal was to do nothing all day long! For example, I've been horribly sick for five days straight and each day when I couldn't do anything else or go to work I felt worse because all I did was watch movies and tv and read all day (or sleep). Granted I was getting better, but I still felt lazy! What is up with that?!

And it's ok if you don't clean the toilet every day... :)

At 10:24 PM, Blogger Andrea said...

Who clean's the toilet every day?

At 11:59 AM, Blogger Andrea said...

Can't wait to hear from you! I was listening to Casting Crown yesterday and it made me miss you lots:)


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