Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Sick of it

Sickness, that is. I recovered last week from a cold that was worse than any cold I've had since probably high school. Despite the cold, rain, and snow of Michigan, it seems to be the sunshine and warmth (and pollution) of California that has done me in. I've gotten sick twice since we've been here, and previous to that I had not been actually really sick in years. So thank you California! I was thankful for antibiotics this last time around that is for sure. It took me over a week to feel 100% again, and would have taken a lot longer if I hadn't had good old xithromax! Maybe it's because I'm a nurse, I'm not sure, but I am comfortable taking excedrin for a headache, or telling a Mom to give her child tylenol for a fever or before a vaccine. To each his own, of course, and certainly in strict moderation when we're talking about children in particular, but I believe things like antibiotics exist because God in His wisdom made brilliant men (and women!) who discover these medicines. (However, lots of childhood illnesses are merely viral and need only to be treated with lots of hugs & kisses)

I think I get upset because in my job I see so many kids who are really, really sick. Cancer, mental illness, HIV, and worse yet are all the kids who have a "syndrome" that we dont' know how to treat or what to even call it, but will certainly end a life much, much too soon. I know that God loves and suffers with each of these children, but it's upsetting when someone (i.e. everyone' s favorite nutty celeb Tom Cruise) makes judgements about using medication to treat serious illnesses when that person has never been anywhere near that kind of suffering.

Sorry, that was a pretty big soap box, and I am by no means against homeopathic treatments or waiting the cold out, and no, I don't think babies and children need lots of pain killers for every sore tooth or vaccine....but I don't think I'm a failure if I take medicine or give medicine to a child.

P.S. I think my friend Serina posted recently about feeling sick and taking medicine, so as a side note let me say my soap box is in response to an annoying conversation I had with a parent recently, and not anything else. Any decision one makes about this topic is going to be the right decision when it is thoughtful and informed...unfortunately many parents I see think every website is truthful and and all doctors are crazy.


At 10:16 AM, Blogger Andrea said...

did you get my card? I miss you!!!

At 12:50 PM, Blogger Rebecca said...

Hi :) You haven't posted in a while, and I thought that I was letting my blog down. :)

I hope you are well.



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