Monday, June 13, 2005

It begins!

Well, I've been inspired! As a result of my complete inadequacy in the area of keeping in touch with the people I love I've decided to give into the blog world. Hopefully I can handle this! I guess we'll start with the latest happenings in our household:

Married life:
Yes, I got married October 23, 2004 to Andy and we are still blissfully happy :o) Practically since I met Andy he's been my bestfriend, my shoulder, my supporter, my cheerleader, my first "growed up" love, and I was overjoyed to add "husband" to the long list. He's a lucky guy :o)

I am a pediatric nurse at a hospital here in Kzoo and I absolutely love it. The hours are tough, but it is so amazing to work with these kids. It can be sad, and sometimes really hard, but I consider it a blessing of great wealth to be able to go through these families worst days with them and offer some comfort, no matter how small.

The Big News: No, we're not having a baby! We are moving to Los Angeles, California in August of 2005 so that Andy can return to school to pursue his dream of computer animating...we're both really excited about this crazy opportunity and the Lord has been so faithful as we've moved ahead with our plans (which must really be His plans because of the way He has been blessing all of our efforts!) The program will take a little under two years and I'll work as a nurse out there while he does school, after that...who knows!!

That's all for now, I promise to try and keep this updated as life continues to just fly by! God bless!


At 3:54 PM, Blogger Tricia said...

I'm so glad to see you've been sucked into the blog world. :) It is a good way to let everyone know what is happening in everyday life. That is, as long as you post--I tend to let mine lag behind. :)


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